CSoft is Now Officially a Member of the United Nations Global Compact

12 June 2020

For years now CSoft strives to conduct its business activities and take responsibility towards the society and ourselves. We are diligently taking care of local communities, the environment and the wellbeing and safety of our employees. Increasingly, our teams aim to create positive change with their everyday behaviour, be it a business project or a social cause.

This made us determined to join the United Nations Global Compact. Our matching values and shared views made us think that they will be the best accomplice in making the world a better place.

The history of the Global Compact began in January 1999, when Secretary-General Kofi Annan announced its launch at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. To date, internationally, the Global Compact brings together on a voluntary basis more than 14,000 companies, business associations, non-governmental organizations from more than 160 countries in a network for the exchange of best practices and association. The membership of all of them is officially recognized and named on the international website of the initiative.

The Global Compact is a platform for knowledge exchange and dialogue with the active participation and support of companies, specialized UN organizations, business associations, NGOs and trade unions to promote corporate social responsibility and ethical business standards. The main purpose of their cause is rooted in the 10 principles of sustainable work and social environment. They revolve around 4 main topics – Human rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption. By incorporating these principles into our corporate social responsibility policy, we are launching long-term changes in a prosperous direction.

To read more about the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact Network, head to -> http://www.unglobalcompact.bg/en/?page_id=150

To discover the areas of work of the UNGCN, go to -> https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/our-work/